You can easily set up automated giving through your bank account or credit/debit card. You can set up your account to give automatically.
Ways to Give

During our weekly services, you can give by placing your gift in the offering basket.

Checks can be mailed to CrossWay Church Central Office: W156N10041 Pilgrim Road, Germantown, WI 53022
Forward by Faith
We are currently on a journey called Forward by Faith where we are stepping Forward for generosity. Forward is all about taking the disciple making message of Jesus Christ to the hurting, broken and lost in Southeastern Wisconsin and beyond. It’s about stepping forward by faith and watching our courage and conviction grow as we follow God’s lead.
Button to Forward and Button to Give Now
The ministry of CrossWay is funded by God’s provision through the tithes and offerings of faithful members and attenders. At CrossWay we honor God’s provision by exercising wise and faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of the church remains beyond reproach.
Financial giving at CrossWay can generally be divided into two categories: tithes and offerings. The Bible teaches us that everything we have is from the Lord. A tithe is when we give ten percent of our income to the Lord’s work. An offering is when we give above our tithe. At CrossWay Church we believe that giving generously to your church family is foundational for spiritual growth.
Online Giving FAQS
Your giving is 100% confidential and secure.
Throughout the year, you can check your giving statement online, and you will receive year end giving statements.
Your giving is 100% tax deductible. We are an official 501c3 organization.
You can be confident your gifts are wisely managed so that every dollar is maximized and used to accomplish the mission we have been given to Go and Make Disciples of Jesus Everywhere.