Supporting Active Teams

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Thank you for your support!

South Sudan | June 2025

Since 2001 Harvesters Reaching the Nations has been working diligently to provide discipleship, education, and healthcare to orphans and vulnerable women and children in South Sudan and Uganda. Harvesters opened His House of Hope & Faith Hospital in 2012 to help meet the needs of mothers and children in this brand-new nation.

Our team will be visiting both the Terekeka and Yei campuses during our time in the country. We will be spending time encouraging the staff, engaging with the children in the orphanage and the schools, and working alongside our partners in a variety of campus-based and community-based outreach opportunities. 

For more information on Harvesters Reaching the Nations check out their website at 

Student Ministries | The Dominican Republic | July 2025

Envision DR has the great privilege of partnering with the Dominican Alliance Church to identify and develop the next generation of leaders through three main strategies: the Greenhouse University student center, One Child development centers, and local church ministry. Envision’s main focus—the Greenhouse, is located next to the largest public university in the Dominican Republic, and we seek to be a place of refuge for their 50,000+ students. We love having both American and Dominican believers serve there with us as part of their own development and understanding of missions. Yes, the Dominican Republic is a beautiful island, but there is so much work left to do in spreading the gospel message! 

Berlin | August 2025

Envision Berlin began in 2020 as a new extension of Alliance Missions which has been in Berlin for over 25 years. Through strategic partnerships, we desire to help grow a multiplying church network that gives Germans and Internationals opportunities to encounter and walk with Jesus, innovatively and creatively sharing the Good News and developing missional leaders.

This summer, we will partner with what God is doing in this area. During a10-day visit, a team from CrossWay will provide encouragement for our Alliance Missions workers, engage in prayer walks for the various neighborhoods where our partners are trying to reach for Jesus, serve with our partners in a variety of different places and spaces around the city, and experience what it is like to be on mission for Jesus in a post-Christian world. 

For more information about Envision Berlin.

Living Hope | October 2025

This fall, a team from CrossWay has the privilege of taking part in an opportunity to go and serve orphans in need in Puebla, Mexico. We are partnering with Esperanza Viva (Living Hope), a ministry that provides education and care to orphans and children in need.

The trip consists of a week-long stay at Esperanza Viva. The team’s time there will be spent
working with the staff in the following areas:

– Activities with the boys and girls who live on the compound
– Doing a work project on the compound
– Attending Worship services at Nations Church
– Encouraging the staff and missionaries there

For more information on Esperanza Viva go to  

India | December 2025

Mumbai, to many, is known as the city of dreams. However, among the economically disadvantaged people, few realize their dreams here, with a vast majority relegated to a nightmarish existence.

The city is the destination for migrants from other poor parts of the nation who arrive here for a better life that eludes most. Some are tricked into the flesh trade, others on account of unfortunate circumstances land up in prisons, while still others face the harsh reality of a slum life.

Our partners in India are focused on the following in the city:
– Providing education to children in &around red-light districts & government homes
– Providing holistic care through Hostels for at-risk kids
– Reintegrating sex workers and prisoners into society through alternate livelihoods