What We Believe


We believe that God exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All are co-equal, and all are one God. We believe God created the universe by His power. We believe that God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever present.


We believe Jesus Christ is co-equal to God the Father. We believe Jesus was sent to earth to be God in the flesh (Incarnation). He is the perfect reflection of God’s heart, character, beauty, and love for people. Jesus lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on a cross. Through faith in Jesus, we have been forgiven and brought into a right relationship with God. Jesus rose from the dead and demonstrated His power and authority over sin and death. He ascended to Heaven and one day will return to judge the world and restore all things in the New Heaven and New Earth.


We believe that the Holy Spirit is sent from God to live in all who put their faith in Jesus. The Holy Spirit teaches, comforts, convicts, and empowers us, giving each person diverse gifts for serving in the church and serving others in the world on the mission of God. We believe that it is through the Holy Spirit that we have the power to change and develop a holy life and Jesus-like character, to be lived out to the fullest here on earth.


We believe that the Bible is divinely inspired by God, and written by God-empowered human authors. We believe its content is entirely trustworthy and is guidance for how we live our lives in love, truth, and faith. We hold a high view of Scripture and place great significance on its authority in our lives as it is the ultimate authority of God’s will.


We believe that Jesus, through His death on the cross, provided salvation for all. However, to receive salvation one must repent of sin and trust Jesus Christ alone. Our broken relationship with God is restored through Jesus’ death on the cross, a perfect act of redemption for each of us. We believe everyone can receive the free gift of forgiveness and be spiritually reborn through repenting (changing our mind and heart) of our sin and placing faith in Jesus alone. All who have received Christ will, at death, depart to be with Christ and, at Christ’s reappearing, will receive a new body which will be like His glorified body.


We believe a New Testament church is a local body of believers who have agreed together to love God, love each other, and serve the world. We believe that the church does not exist for itself, but exists as a community of Christ-followers worshiping God, who are here to serve others–as Jesus told us to be His light, love, compassion, kindness, and hope to the world around us.


We believe that life continues after physical death and that there is a Heaven and a Hell. We believe a personal relationship and commitment to Christ is the only way to Heaven and that Jesus will one day return and bring justice and judgment to all things. Scripture teaches that our bodies will be resurrected when Christ returns. Those who followed Him in life will be raised to life (I Corinthians 15:20-23); those who did not will be raised to judgment (John 5:28, 29). The return of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent.


We are a part of the Christian & Missionary Alliance denomination. For more information about the C&MA and a complete doctrinal statement visit the link below.