What is a multi-site church?
A multi-site church is one church that has multiple sites. All sites share the same mission, vision, initiatives, and leadership. All sites will share a common elder board, budget, and pastoral staff.
What are some advantages of a multi-site approach?
CrossWay Church has strong, experienced, God-honoring leadership and a clearly defined mission, vision, and culture. This strength in leadership in all ministry areas will be utilized to empower and strengthen the ministries at all locations.
The effective processes for preaching, facilities, leadership training, communication, budget, etc., are already in place and will be implemented at all locations.
The commitment of an established congregation in prayer, financial resources and relationships provides a mature foundation that is not as available to a smaller, independent church.
Why is CrossWay Church a multi-site church?
To grow God’s kingdom in this region and around the world we will equip people in authentic community, engage the world by serving together, and create diversified corporate worship environments. As a multi-site church we are expanding God’s kingdom by reaching people where they live. This directly aligns with the mission of CrossWay Church to make disciples of Jesus everywhere as a community for the curious.